Introduction of FE application on various automotive crash modes.

A session on “Introduction of FE application on various automotive crash modes” has been arranged with an experienced expert in the area of CAE, Mr. Syed Imam who is a member of DICE Automotive USA.


_ Introducing finite element (FE) explicit code (LSdyna3D or RADIOSS) in contact based application.

_ Application of FE on automotive related structural design.

_ Occupant injuries during vehicle crash.


Mr. Syed Imam has been working in USA with different OEMs for last 23 years. Currently he is responsible for design of vehicles to comply corporate and global automotive crash safety requirements.


Date: 1st March, 2017 (Wednesday)

Time: 09:00 to 11:00 hours PST

Venue: Video Conferencing Hall, Civil Engg. Dept., NEDUET.

For Registration (i.e. Free) please contact:

PA to Chairman Automotive, NEDUET, Contact No: 99261261-8 Ext: 2239,