DICE VIC High-level Process
- Choose DICE VIC launch date sometime between Jan 1 and March 31 and final event date sometime between June 1 and September 15.
- Create/update DICE VIC webpage and DICE VIC flyer.
- Send request to DICE Foundation to transfer funds (currently Rs. 1.25 lac) to institution, out of which 25K is allocated for marketing campaign, 25K allocated for final event day arrangements and 75K for top prizes.
- Launch DICE VIC and begin DICE VIC marketing campaign within your institution, for minimum of 2 months.
- Monitor progress of submission of projects from all departments on DICE innovation Portal through your admin page. Make sure to reach out to all departments where participation is lacking or minimal. Idea is to involve everyone in the institution.
- judges from academia from your own institution as well from industry and start the judging Identify process, as soon as after the final deadline for innovation submission is over.
- Plan for the final event day and invite faculty, HODs, Deans, VC/Rector and All students from your institution to attend and participate in the final event.
- Send invitations to industry, businessmen and investors to attend, participate and sponsor the event and projects.
- Plan to exhibit top 30 to 50 (can be more) projects on the final day. Physical exhibition is optional and will depend upon financial sponsorship you are able to get from Industry.
- Professionally conduct the final event with opening ceremony, exhibition tour, student presentations, final selection of top innovations, closing award ceremony including showing summary of whole event starting from launch to final event day to all attendees. The closing ceremony may also include comments from industry, announcing future support in terms of internships, support for innovation projects, financial support and other necessary support.