Sukkur Institute of Business Administration is one of leading universities of Pakistan. Sukkur IBA is always committed to take pride in quality education. In addition to providing such education it has always strived to find better ways meaningful linkages with external stakeholders.
Sukkur IBA joined hands with DICE Foundation, USA, which is a non-profit organization registered and working in Michigan, USA. Sukkur IBA signed MoU with DICE (Distinguished Innovation Collaboration and Entrepreneurship) Foundation Inc. USA, on 11th December, 2015 for the purpose of establishing student chapter at Sukkur IBA to promote innovation and entrepreneurship culture within Sukkur IBA and to host an annual DICE virtual Business Plan Competition. The vision of DICE is to Foster Innovation & Entrepreneurship culture in the country to make it a part of nation’s every bit and rapid socio-economic development through Innovation. Use Innovation as a tool to generate wealth for the nation and fully commoditize digital technologies – bring it to masses in the country.
Sukkur IBA’s Entrepreneurship society along with the Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership & Incubation, Sukkur IBA organized a business plan competition. They were the major driving forces behind the success of this auspicious event.
DICE chapter Sukkur IBA, was organized at Sukkur IBA on the 16th and 17th of August as a collaborative project between Sukkur IBA and DICE foundation. The first segment of event by DICE Foundation was held on the 13th of April, 2016 at the main campus of Sukkur IBA. It was named as “Flash Mob”. Flash Mob was the introductory segment, which aimed at creating the hype between the students and to make them well aware about what DICE actually is. Ribbon cutting ceremony by the Director Mr. Nisar Ahmed Siddique followed by the segment where different business related questions were asked. It greatly attracted the students.
The patron of entrepreneurship society; Mr.Ikhtiar Khoso; was all long involved himself long with his dedicated team. They made the event an amazing experience for everyone. Right after Flash Mob the registrations were made open to all the students of IBA, almost 48 teams registered.
The Flash Mob was followed by the one-day workshop for the participants on 2nd of June, 2016 on the generation of the business plan. It had three small sessions of financial plan, Marketing plan and Executive summary description respectively. Mentors were Mr. Abdul Khaliq and Mr.Azeem Abro. It was organized with the view of giving participants full guidance about the event.
The event held on 16th and 17th of August entail a one-day Exhibition; which showcased various innovations of participants, almost 25 teams made it to the exhibitions phase out of 48 teams, and those 25 teams rigorously put their efforts to showcase their ideas and the prototypes in the morning. Along with the stalls of the participants the major partners and sponsors also showcased their stalls. This event not only strengthened linkages between a large numbers of prominent national investors such as SMEDA and SRSO, but also enabled innovative projects to gain wider exposure and greater visibility. The projects that were displayed belonged to three groups. i.e.: Computer Science and technology, Agriculture, and Social Sciences.
The students had their creative ideas display in the morning whereas in the evening DICE VIC16 organizing committee in collaboration with Music and Drama society organized a culture night for the students. The cultural night was aimed to unite all the cultures of Pakistan, in this students had cultural dances, cultural show and songs that won hearts of people. In addition to this, THE SKETCHES band spread cultural colors among crowds with folk songs. The cultural night integrated all the cultures and united them over their sole identity and learn the ropes. The colors, ecstasy, enjoyment, sparkles and celebrations were at peak. In tying cultures together SRSO had played major role being cultural ambassador for DICE VIC’16. In last, Director Sukkur IBA appreciated the efforts of SIBA Entrepreneurship Society and CEL & Inc. for promoting entrepreneurship and culture of the country
The Exhibitions were followed by the final event day on 17th of August. Ten out those twenty-five teams qualified for the last round, the final project presentations round. The final project presentation and demonstration was evaluated by a panel of judges consisting of experts.
To encourage the participants the following prices were offered:
- First Prize: Cash Prize of Rs 30,000 and Samsung J5 mobiles, along with DICE shields to the winning team.
- Second Prize: Cash Prize of Rs 20, 000 along with DICE shields to the first runner-up team.
- Third Prize: Cash Prize of Rs 10, 000 along with DICE shields to the second runner-up team.
Many great projects were seen making their ways to the finals. And 3 of them took the edge. The winners were:
- First Prize: “Miracle Workers” on their project “SmartControl”
- Second Prize: “ Team Innovation” on their project “Silk hut”
- Third position: “Technopreneurs” on their project “ Technopreneurs”
The final event ended with a closing ceremony which was held in the Auditorium or Sukkur IBA, where winning teams were given the prizes for the efforts they had put.
Thus, the DICE VIC 2016 created a history. It not only provided the opportunity to students to showcase their innovative ideas but also showed the true potential of Pakistan.
Sukkur IBA and its entrepreneurship society is on the right track of forging strong meaningful Industry-Academia collaboration for the benefit of the Society.